Module 10 –Advanced Implant Periodontics (Hard and Soft Tissue Management) (PART II)
Wound healing, to understand steps during healing process
PRP has good feedback in dermatological field, to understand why
Second generation PRF Chuckron PRF
PRF, contains a number of growth factors found in human blood centrifuged to reach supra-physiological doses that assist in tissue regeneration
It significantly decreases the rate of infection up to 10 fold, especially following molar extractions and prior/during implant placement
Patients report less morbidity, swelling and use of analgesics following regeneration with PRF
In many clinical indications, may be used alone to replace the high costs associated with bone grafts, connective tissue grafts, and/or barrier membranes, but there is still big debate
3rd generation Mineralized Plasmatc Matrix MPM, sticky bone, several articles with good bone augmentation outcome
Different protocols, different tubes
3rd generation has the best feedback in clinical outcome
Course Objective:
Biology of wound healing
Platelet concentrates
Growth factors: biology and physiology, mechanisms of action ​
Composition and influence on tissue healing
Biology of Platelets Rich Fibrin (PRF)
Use of PRF in oral surgery and periodontology
Liquid PRF: PRF that may be injected or combined with biomaterials​
PRF as a “matrix” in soft tissue management: protocols, clinical results
PRF as a “matrix” in bone augmentation: protocols, clinical results​
·Biology of MPM
Clinical application and protocol of 3rd generation (MPM)
​ Course Duration (Days): 2 Days
Language: English
Total Points: 20 CE
16 CE (2 days per 8 hours)
1 CE (Hands on training – phlebotomy technique)
1 CE (Case Discussions)
2 CE (Review and Session Exam)