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Management of severely atrophied Mandibles including Inferior Alveolar Nerve Transpositioning Technique

  • The nerve transpositioning procedure is a surgical technique whereby the inferior alveolar nerve is placed in a posterior position to increase the ability to place longer implants in a mandible when there is an intensive resorption of the posterior ridge. Nerve transpositioning gives a better chance of osteointegration of the implant. There is no contact nerve to implant and there is no stress to the nerve during the surgery by pulling and stretching. If the patient agrees and there is no other easier and less risky option to manage the treatment. Nerve transpositioning can be preference for a severe atrophied mandibles, and  this procedure risk is minimized by the development of technology, the use of piezosurgery machines while performing the access to the window, makes the procedure almost risk free to the patient and to the operator, treatment time is reduced, and the possibility to do the surgery under local anesthesia makes it a first choice for treating the severely atrophied mandible as the advantages are very clear and illustrated in the following points:

    • Fast treatment only one surgical procedure including implants placement and maybe, immediate loading

    • Gain more than 12 mm of bone height for longer implants which means long term success when compared with the durability of short implants.

    • Only one surgical procedure, bicortical fixation, no angulation of implants, no pressure on the nerve by the prosthesis.

    • This module will include a workshop Hans-On Training on goat mandibles using PIEZOTOME


  • Course Duration (Days): 1 Days

  • Language: English

  • Total Points: 10 CE

    • 6 CE (1 days of 8 hours)

    • 1 CE (Hands on training)

    • 1 CE (Case Discussions)

    • 2 CE (Review and Session Exam)

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